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Thank you for these Reflections, Ben. I'm going to engage in what looks like self-promotion here, and which probably is self-promotion to some extent, but I do so out of a passion to see Episcopalian congregations recover both their spiritual vitality and, frankly, their excitement about the spiritual treasure that is their liturgical tradition. In 2008, I wrote a book called "Sacramental Life: spiritual formation through the Book of Common Prayer," published by IVP. It focuses on the liturgies of baptism, Holy Eucharist, marriage, and burial, leading out the spiritual Direction that these liturgies and their related components such as the collects and the prayers of the people provide to those who attend to them thoughtfully and engage them intentionally. The book is organized into 45 relatively short chapters Each of which concludes with spiritual exercises. It could provide the basis for small group study and engagement in local congregations and contribute to nurturing greater energy for spiritual practices.

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