Feb 6Liked by Ben Crosby

Amen, brother!

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Feb 6Liked by Ben Crosby

I recently discovered that the Comfortable Words can also be found in the Divine Missal used by Catholics who worship in the Ordinariate - obvious connections to the Anglican liturgy, but fascinating nonetheless.

See page 6: https://www.liturgia.it/content/DivineWorshipPewMissalWEB.pdf

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Thanks, Ben. I love reading this line in the original, “…to save sinners, of whom I am the first.” It would be so great if the clergy still said this… it’s why I have come to think of the east facing altar as my favorite now… it’s so moving to think of the priest this way, not as moral exemplar but representative in need for mercy, all of us facing God together…

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Oops - the Comfortable Words are retained in the TEC Rite I, not Rite II, of course. Thanks to a careful reader for catching the typo!

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