I really like this Ben. My only concern around "disorder love" arguments is how often LGBTQ relationships and identities are disregarded and villianized using similar language. I'm reminded of the Catechism of the Catholic Church's language around Queer desire, "intrinsically disordered". I absolutely know that's not the argument you're making at all! But I wonder if there's a way to make the same (needed) theological argument around Transformative Desire, while making it abundantly clear Queer identities in themselves are not disordered. Thank you for the great piece.🙏
I really like this Ben. My only concern around "disorder love" arguments is how often LGBTQ relationships and identities are disregarded and villianized using similar language. I'm reminded of the Catechism of the Catholic Church's language around Queer desire, "intrinsically disordered". I absolutely know that's not the argument you're making at all! But I wonder if there's a way to make the same (needed) theological argument around Transformative Desire, while making it abundantly clear Queer identities in themselves are not disordered. Thank you for the great piece.🙏